In between overdoing it

Posts tagged ‘Finance’

Help Wanted: Apply with Dad

Help wantedI have to hand it to my husband. When I am all out of creative ideas to motivate our children he pulls one out of no where. Over the past few months I have found it increasingly difficult to get my children to help out and do chores. We have used a chore chart and have had a monetary incentive to help out around the house. It has been working well for quite sometime, several years in fact.

Each week we have given them the option to do up to 5 tasks at $1 per chore. They can do them all, only a few or none. Also there are bonus chores they could do for extra money. This will vary from week to week based on what I have to get done around the house. In the past this has included painting, to gardening, to cleaning to bath tub.

However, recently, my kids seem to lack the motivation to get any chores done with out constant reminders (almost to the level of harassment.) Weeks will go by where they have opted do no chores and earn nothing. I thought maybe is was because they had gotten many of the items they wanted at Christmas but their lack of participation continued through most of January.

Dad’s creative idea

I was out of ideas on how to motivate them and was quote frankly to tired and overwhelmed after Christmas to bagger them onto helping out. Then one morning me and the kids woke up to find “Want Ad’s” for two positions posted on our refrigerator. One was for a “Recycling Manager,” and the second for “Household Security Officer,” The posting listed the duties preformed in the positions and the qualifications necessary to apply. To apply the posting requested applicants submit a resume. It also stated that the weekly pay for the position would be $2 per week.

Image from

I was floored at how creative and detailed the job posting was. My husband really got into it. It certainly got my kids attention because the two of them discussed at length, which job they should apply for. Soon after reading the postings they asked my what a resume was. I showed them typical resumes found online and advised them to the type of information they normally contained.

My daughter decided to apply for the” Household Security Officer.” This position required her to turn the porch and front door light on each night and off each morning. It also required her to check the front and back doors each night before bed to make sure they were locked.

My son opted for the “Recycling Manager” position. This entailed taking the plastic bottles and cardboard recycling to the appropriate bin near our garbage and making sure it was put out for collection each week.

Apply within

The two of them took the applications very seriously and worked together for hours (in almost silence) crafting their resumes. The enthusiasm and eagerness this creative approach brought forth was amazing. Once my husband “reviewed” the applications and choose the best person for the position, they we’re so excited.

Surprisingly, they have been preforming their job duties fairly consistently each week. My daughter has forgotten a few times. However, she got her act together when she was told she may be fired for not fulfilling the job requirements and her little brother could then apply for her position.

I don’t know if it is the sense of ownership, the title or the acting like a grown-up but my husband certainly tapped into something with this idea. It has been a great life lesson for my kids about what is required to get and hold on to a job. Mainly it is about trying your hardest, showing up consistently, and doing what you where I hired to do. Now if only some adults can learn this.

Are you Black Friday is broke?

Black FridayDid you get bitten by the Black Friday bug last weekend? These advertisers know what they are doing, making you feel that you will totally miss out on the best deals ever by not being first on line in front of their big box store at 5:30 in the morning.

So how many of us take the day off work. We crawl out of bed, leave behind a sink full of Thanksgiving dishes to drive over the nearest superstore. Only to fight out way to what we are told is a great deal. If you don’t go then someone else will get all those sweet deals. Right?

Well, maybe not.

Remember it was only a few years ago that Black Friday sales actually started to creep into Thursday evening. It began as a midnight madness type of sale but then inched closer and closer to 4:00 pm. The Black Friday frenzy was overtaking Thanksgiving dinner. Retail employees we’re wolfing down their turkey and stuffing because they had to head out to work on a day that was designated specifically for home and family.

Luckily, after a few years of consumer pushback many stores dropped the early Thursday sales and moved it back to Friday where it belonged. However, that didn’t necessarily stop shopping. They just moved it to cyber space.

According to NBSNews Black Friday Online sales it a new high this year. These followed quickly by Cyber Monday show that more people are buying online for the holiday’s. And why not it’s easy, convenient and might be less expensive. Or is it?

The online ease of time sensitive flash sales are still tapping into a buyers urgency to not miss out on the savings. I know from my own experience that I have said to myself, “I better buy this (insert useless item I don’t really need) because I won’t ever see it for this price again.”

I don’t care what it is at that price I need it!!

The issue then isn’t the price of the item it becomes the fear that you will miss out on these insanely low prices. (which are usually not insanely low at all by comparison.) Advertisers have become so adept at creating a feeling of scarcity we don’t think twice about parting ways with our money for the Memory Form cat bed, (although cats can find comfort on a car tire.) We really need that water resistant shower speaker (can’t sing in the shower without one…oh wait you can.) Can’t forget about the Ukulele Starter Pack (because one day you will sing tiny bubbles in the shower to your cat on their form bed.)

Cyber Monday

Black Friday and its online twin Cyber Monday help you fulfill that Christmas anxiety with the words BUY NOW. But when you look at the credit card bill sticker shock is an understatement. I remember thinking “What did I buy?”

There is something to be said for the physical presence of counting out bills that makes you more aware of what you are spending. Couple a click of a mouse with the new internet urgency and you have the makings for an overspending disaster. That is no way to have a happy holiday.

Black Friday sales can be a force of good if you give yourself limits. Here are 5 ways to use the Black Friday frenzy to your advantage.

  1. Know what you intend to purchase before the sales come out.
  2. Remember most sales are cyclical and these prices will come and go.
  3. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are no longer a single day event but have been extended to weeklong sales with most merchants so do not rush into anything. Take time to consider your purchases.
  4. Just like Santa says make a list of what you intend to buy for whom. More importantly make a budget plan and stick to it.
  5. If you missed Black Friday don’t forget you can still compare prices between stores and prices match at some retailers to pay the least for an item.
  • Most importantly…remember the holiday season is not about your Black Friday 50 inch TV or other electronic item. Matter of fact it is not about things at all. It is about  people. You are giving gifts from the heart to show people you love them. Despite what advertisers tell you it is not about putting yourself into debt impulsively buying to combat the feeling of FOMO. (Fear of Missing Out.)

Save Yourself Time and Money Doing This One Thing

Save yourself time and money by doing this one thing

It’s called Simple Stockpiling

With the fall season descending upon us, the start of school, football and the return to routines, I have been thinking of ways a working mother can save time and stream line life. The return to the busy school schedule, working, and managing a household can really take a toll on time and money.

To free up more of the precious commodity of time and save some dollars for the coming holiday season (It is only 16 more weekends till Christmas!), I have started to stockpile household items I use frequently. Like a squirrel collecting nuts to store for the winter, stockpiling can be a great fall habit that can free up time and money for a working mom.

I know what you are thinking. I don’t mean stockpiling like the show “Hoaders,” or “Extreame Couponing.” But a little prep during the fall can really help cut down on needless trips to the store. With these concepts in mind and a little planning now you can be fully stocked to hold you over for months.

This doesn’t have to be done on a grand scale, just pick up a few extra jars of tomato sauce and pasta and you will always have the makings for a quick dinner. Add a few extra tubes of toothpaste to your shopping cart when they are on sale. This simple stockpiling can give you piece of mind and these small efforts will add up giving your more of what you need most, time an money.

It doesn’t have to be racks and racks of floor to ceiling cereal boxes in your garage. There are a few things you can think about when out shopping that can save you time, energy and money based on some stockpiling principals.

Watch for sales and buy multiples during them

Don’t have to go crazy and buy the whole store out. But if it an item that has a long shelf life and you can get it for a good price. Take advantage!

Only buy what you know you will use

The key to a stockpile that will save you time is to only purchase what you will actually use. This will prevent you from having to run out to the store for an ingredient. It also will save you from having to eat out when your pantry is empty. Have a few staples stocked up will prevent this from happening. In the end you will have to shop less giving you more time to send with family.

If you can only stockpile one thing make it toiletries

Items like toothpaste, shampoo conditioner ect. have a longer shelf life then food items. They also tend to have a higher price point on non sale weeks. It saves you time and energy to know you will always have these items on hand when you need them. No more worrying about running out of TP. (Trust me…we have all been there.)


7 Ways to Save While Planning Your Vacation

7 ways to save on your next vacationSo you went on summer vacation.

Had a fantastic time and made a ton of wonderful memories. You arrive home unpack your suitcase and there it is. Staring at you like a dog waiting for dinner( Which mine are doing as I write this)…The credit card bill. You know you need to open it but really don’t want to face the damage you have done.

In your head you run a quick tally of what you think you might have spent on vacation. That souvenir T-shirt, drinks at dinner, the novelty tote bag…did I really spend that much? It is all adding up in your brain and it comes to more then you expected. While we are away it is so easy to lose track of spending. We tell ourselves “I’m on vacation I can spend fast and free.” We live it up and pretend that there is no bill to come home to. It’s fun and freeing for the moment. Then the moment ends and the bill comes.

I’m not saying this to be Debbie Downer, only that I have done this myself. Have spent more on vacation then I should have and had to dig myself out of debt upon returning home. It puts a damper on your happy memories and makes you wary of relaxing the purse strings on your next trip away.

But life shouldn’t be that way. We should be able to enjoy out vacation without the fear of getting in debt hanging over our head. With a little planning this could be the case and believe me you will enjoy your vacation a whole lot more knowing there is no ballooning credit card bill waiting in your mailbox.

Here are 7 ways to plan out your vacation and save a little money in the process.

  1. Book your vacation as far in advance as possible – This give you ample time to save for the trip. You will be completely aware of the true cost of your vacation and can make adjustments in your household spending to put aside for the cost of your travels.
  2. Be as flexible as possible with your travel dates – This will save you money in airfare, car rental and hotel bookings. You can shop around for the lowest prices based on the date.
  3. Monitor your travel bookings to see if the fare goes down in price -With many travel sites and companies if you see that the price is cheaper, they will allow you to rebook the fare at the lower price. If the price drops in the first 24 hours many airlines will allow you to rebook at a lower price and refund the difference without change fees.
  4. Prepay your vacation – This may seem obvious but it is often overlooked. Even if you pay a small amount per month towards your vacation, that small amount overtime adds up! It can take the sting out of the full vacation bill.
  5. Investigate before buying dining, photo, or beverage packages – For some families this may be a savings. However, in most cases there are many stipulations to these programs that prevent them from really saving you anything. Find out before you go and don’t sign up for these programs on a whim or under pressure.
  6. Look for no/low cost souvenirs – Do you really need another fridge magnet or coffee mug? Look for souvenirs that cost little or no money but will hold all the memory of your vacation, like a coaster from your favorite restaurant or postcard of your most beloved attraction.
  7. Have a Staycation – During 2008 when there was massive job loss, and financial uncertainty, the Staycation became the new vacation. Look around your town, your city or your state even. Are there local spots that want to see but never got a chance? Is there a great attraction within a days drive from your home? Explore the world right outside your front yard. Forgo the hotel stay and save yourself a bundle.

It’s Finally Here!! My new Online Budget EBook!!

I am so excited to finally release my new ebook…Since it is release week, look towards to bottom of this page for a special introductory price. This is only good for this week only.

How to choose an online budgeting tool that will save you $$$$ 

Are you struggling to get your finances in order but don’t know where to begin? Do you want to set up an online budget but don’t really have the time? Are you tired of sorting through spreadsheets and high tech programs just create a simple budget?

I know how you feel. I have been there. All I wanted to do was find some information about online budgeting programs. All I really wanted to know was which one would be the easiest to maintain with the least amount of hassle to set up? Problem was I could not find a simple review and comparison that would tell me what I needed to know.

So I created one.

Through a blog series I embarked on a journey review four of the most popular online budgeting programs. The results of over four months of research are right here in “How to choose an online budgeting tool that will save you money.” My aim in this book was to sort through on-line budgeting programs and see which one offered the most bang for your buck (or for no bucks.)

When I was looking for an online budget to use for my personal finance, I had difficulty determining which one would be the best fit for me. The reviews I found were sparse and lacked the amount of quick consumable detail I was interested in. Truthfully, I didn’t have the time or inclination to stop and start each program. I figured if I was on a hunt for this information then other people might be as well.

You can save yourself the time and effort of having to wade through each of the online budget programs yourself. It is all right here. Avoid the hassle of setting up multiple online profiles only to find that program wasn’t the right fit for you.

I review BudgetSimple, EveryDollar, Budget Tracker and, four of the most popular free, on-line budget programs on the internet.

In the pages of “How to choose an online budgeting tool that will save you money.” you get a detailed, step-by-step walk-thru. There I review each tab and section available for free within these programs. I tell you the positives and negatives of so you can make an informed decision on which would be right for you. I complete the series by revealing which one I choose and why.

The reviews I found we’re sparse and lacked the amount of quick consumable detail I was interested in. Truthfully, I didn’t have the time or inclination to stop and start each program. I figured if I was on a hunt for this information then other people might be as well.

To make things even easier, I created a free checklist available with email sign-up, of what information you might need to gather before setting up an online budgeting account.

With the checklist and ebook  you can get setup with the right online budget for you and be ready to get started on your way towards easy budgeting today.

monySpecial Release Week Price of $2.99

[wpepdd name=”Online budget ebook” price=”2.99″ url=”” align=”center”]

Online Budget Checklist Freebie

free online budget checklist


Use this checklist to make online budgeting easier to setup

on line budgetingI know when I first decided to set-up an online budget, it was a pain to constantly search through my files and documents to find pay stubs and account information.

I would be part of the way through the set-up and have to stop what I was doing, go back to my bill folder to find another piece of account information.

This constant stop and start made it so much more inconvenience to create a budget at all. It would have been so much easier if there was a checklist to guide me. If I could have had everything I needed right there in front of me before I started it would have made the Save money with online budgetwhole process so much easier.

That is why I created this checklist. It will help you before, during and after the process so you can overcome the overwhelm budgeting creation might cause. This checklist is designed to go along with the upcoming release of my new e-book ‘How to choose the Online Budgeting tool that will save you Money,” due out July 23.[ctt title=”I created this helpful list to make online budgeting easier for you. Get yours today! #freebie, #budget” tweet=”I created this helpful list to make online budgeting easier for you. Get yours today! #freebie, #budget” coverup=”d61bR”]

With the checklist and e-book together you can get setup with the right online budget for you and be ready to get started on your way towards easy budgeting.


Sign up for your FREE Online Budgeting Checklist

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Email Address *


Direct Sellers Summer Series: Come Meet Trish Russell

direct seller series

Introducing Trish Russell

I feel fortunate to have gotten to know Trish Russell and to have her as a bi-monthly contributor to In between Moderation.  It has been an amazing journey to see her growth and development from military mom to the smart, fiery, funny business woman who has found her calling on Social Media. She brings her “combat boots of self-discipline,” with a side of compassion and understanding to help woman walk in their purpose, one intentional step at a time.

Trish Russell

1) What is your direct sales business and what type of products do they sell?

I partner with Mary & Martha, a home décor and gift company with inspirational messages and keepsakes. [ctt title=”Women doing life together and inspiring others to ENJOY the gift of fellowship.” tweet=”Women doing life together and inspiring others to ENJOY the gift of fellowship. ” coverup=”7AmZd”]

2) How did you get involved in your business and why?

Over the course of a year I fell in love with the company, product, and women. My first interaction with Mary & Martha was as a third party invitee, very random! Over the next year I watched how my consultant treated her customers, and walked out her faith. I knew if there was a team I wanted to be on it, was hers!

3) What is your favorite product and why?

God Made Just One” book, full of beautiful pictures and truths for children and adults to hear.

4) What would you say to people who think direct sale’s are a scam?

If you haven’t been part of one then you probably don’t realize the amount of work a rep puts into their company. It’s similar to those who don’t think teachers are worth a six figure income or that SAHM’s sit around eating bon-bon’s and watch TV. I listen, respond, and move on if they still believe it after getting to know me.

5) Do you think it is important for a woman to have a side income?

I believe it’s vital for each woman to walk THEIR journey, whether that is a side income, full-time income, power volunteer, raising humans, WHATEVER. Each to their own, but be sure to do YOUR own.

6) What is the biggest struggle you have with your business? How do you overcome it?

People AVOID direct sellers and I overcome it by being myself and knowing my worth. I believe in the company and our products and really enjoy what I do. If someone wants to partner with me at any level, I am stoked to do that! If they don’t want to partner, I get stoked that an opportunity came up to meet someone new!

7) What have you learned about yourself through your business?

I’m a dreamer! I had no idea! I love owning my own business and empowering other women to live their dream!

8) What opportunity would you have not had if not for your business?

So many….I wouldn’t own my biz, meet incredible women, know my strengths, discover new talents, and dream. Dream. DREAM!

9) How does your business align with your values and the person you are?

Our company is also a ministry. We believe each person who joins us has a calling to be here. We open up each meeting, as well as most events, with prayer. By focusing on the opportunity to gather women and hang out, celebrate our unique personalities and gift sets. All of these pieces line up to how I approach life and enjoy spending my time.

10) How can people find you, more information about your products or become part of your company?

You can find me on Facebook or at my website! I have a private (free) Facebook group for women in business, at any level (new, veteran, interested).

FB Group:


FB Biz Page:–480825385422384/

Direct Sellers Series: Come Meet Ann Marie Flanagan

 Ann Marie Flanagan

Introducing Ann Marie Flanagan

Ann Marie is another wonderful woman and gifted teacher I met on Periscope. When I heard her describe the special needs children in her classroom I was laterally brought to tears. The positive changes she produces in them and her gentle, caring nature, really touched me. One conversation and you could see the genuine love, sincere care and big heart that pours out of her. We are lucky to have teachers like her in this world and I feel extremely fortunate to have gotten to know her.

Ann Marie

1) What is your Direct Sales Business? What type of products do they sell?

I am a Jamberry Nails Independent Consultant. I sell hand and nail care products to make gorgeous manicures and pedicures in the comfort of your own home. We are mostly known for our nail wraps which are heat activated and require no dry time at all! In addition we sell lacquers, application kits, a gel system and much more.

2) How did you get involved in your business and why?

In 2014 I noticed that my nails were separating from my nail beds. I knew that something was wrong and that nails are usually the first place things show up. After several visits to the doctor I received a diagnosis, I was told I have a condition with my nails that was going to be a lifelong problem.  Well, for me it was embarrassing by how awful my nails looked.

About six months later my cousin joined a company called Jamberry. I had no idea what it was and I ignored her email. Three months after that she asked me to hold a party for her and of course I did. Then I discovered the magic of Jamberry. I could cover my ugly nails with beautiful nail wraps and lacquers! Within a month I had signed up under her. [ctt title=”I have loved having my own business with the perks of having beautiful and affordable nails!” tweet=”I have loved having my own business with the perks of having beautiful and affordable nails!” coverup=”rc3v2″]

3) What is your favorite product and why?

It is difficult to choose just one favorite product. I would have to say it is the nail wraps. There are over 350 designs to fit every personality. I love the fact that there is no dry time and if I need to stop in the middle of a manicure to fold laundry or to help my child with homework, I can! I can coordinate my wraps with special occasions, holidays, etc… The wraps last longer than a manicure does!

4) What would you say to people who think direct sales are a scam?

I would tell them that Jamberry is not a scam. The products are well-made and delivered on time. You do not have to recruit a team unless you want to. The perks for being a consultant, for me, are wonderful!

5) Do you think it is important for a woman to have a side income?

I think it depends on the woman and her goals. Personally, I love to have a side income so that I can buy my husband a present without him knowing, pay for some household bills, and have the freedom to supplement our income as a family.

6) What is the biggest struggle you have had with your business? How have you overcome it?

My biggest struggle is having enough time in the day to work my business. I am a full-time teacher and I have three children of my own. I have to work at balancing my family’s needs first and then the business. I am a list maker and a scheduler. That is what helps me set priorities for each day. In addition, I have 30, 60, and 90 day goals set for my business.

7) What have you learned about yourself through your business?

I have learned that the reason I have my direct sales business is to supplement our income so that my family has extra opportunities to excel. All of my children play soccer. My youngest two are on traveling soccer teams and that gets expensive. But for me, it is worth the extra work to create the added income needed to develop their talents.

8) What opportunity would you have not had if not for your direct sales business?

I would not have had opportunities to grow as a business woman and make all of the wonderful friends I have met through having my own business. Being a teacher, I didn’t know a thing about how to run a business. Through the support from my Jamberry team and the knowledgeable people that I have met on platforms like Periscope, I am excelling beyond what I expected. My confidence level has also increased in all areas of my life.

9) How does your business align with your values and the person you are?

My company believes in making personal connections and that is what I do when I meet potential customers. I tend to let people come to me and ask about my nails. I am not aggressive about selling and my company doesn’t expect me to be someone who I am not. Jamberry is built on the foundation of integrity. They stand behind their products and handle product issues in a professional manner.

10) How can people find you, more information about your products or become part of your company?

People can find at the following:

Jamberry website:

My business page on Facebook at

Periscope: @AnnMarieFlanagan

Instragram: amsforjams

In addition to my Jamberry business, I am also the creator of Success in Parenting. I assist families in going from stressed to success by coaching and teaching about strategies to increase learning and reduce negative behaviors.

My first workshop is called Tackling Tantrums. This is a live online workshop with lots of interaction and tons of strategies to reduce and extinguish those pesky tantrums. Would you like to attend this workshop? Send an email to  You can check out my Facebook community Success in Parenting .

Direct Sellers Series: Come Meet Juliette Sakasegawa

Rodan and Fields
I found Juliette on Periscope one afternoon and was instantly drawn to her sweet, genuine nature. Her warmth, honesty and touching story of her journey in becoming a self care advocate really connected with me. In her Facebook group, Take Care of YOU, she gives women much needed support and reminders that they matter, they are enough and they need to show themselves love.

Direct sellers series

1) What Direct Sales Business are you in?

Rodan + Fields What type of products do they sell? We sell Premium skin care for the four most common skin concerns: sensitive skin, acne, sun damage/brown spots, and aging.

2) How did you get involved in your business and why?

A good friend of mine started posting about her business on Facebook and I was intrigued. I started using her products and immediately fell in love with them. I started thinking about getting into the business myself and as a mom of 3 who had been staying home with my kids for almost 4 years I was intrigued by the idea of starting a business and doing something that was just for me. I also liked the idea of bringing in some extra income.

I made the decision to go out on a limb, step way outside my comfort zone, and give it a try. I’m so glad I did because it has been a wonderful opportunity for me. Since starting my Rodan + Fields business I have grown and developed personally, emotionally, and professionally more than I ever even knew I was capable of.

3) What is your favorite product and why?

This is a very hard question for me to answer because I truly love so many of them. When I have to choose I always say it’s our Micro Dermabrasion Paste because it makes my skin feel like a baby’s bottom. Seriously though it was the first product I tried and I fell in love with the way it made my skin feel. I also love it because it can be used to exfoliate your whole body and one tub of it can last up to six months. It smells great, it feels great and it’s just plain awesome.

4) What would you say to people who think direct sales are a scam?

I would tell them that the one I work with is definitely not a scam and that there are many amazing MLM companies out there with really high quality products. Unfortunately, there are a few companies that have given us all a bad name and I think that is a horrible shame and extremely sad. MLM companies offer an amazing opportunity to many individuals who want to have their own business, make an income, feel empowered, grow personally, push themselves out of their comfort zone, etc. My list of positives just goes on and on and I think it’s wonderful when people are able to get involved and find success for themselves.

5) Do you think it is important for a woman to have a side income?

I think it’s important for women to feel empowered, to love themselves, to take care of themselves, and to feel like they are worthwhile, powerful people. If having a side income is something they want to do and it helps them feel like they are living the life they are meant to lead, then yes. If having a side income is not they need in order to feel those things, then no I don’t think it is.

6) What is the biggest struggle you have had with your direct sales business?

How have you overcome it? I think the biggest struggle I’ve had is finding balance in my life. I have a hard time doing things half way. I want to put my whole self into everything I do and I feel guilty if I’m not doing that. I haven’t completely overcome this struggle but each day I remind myself that I am enough and that I am doing my best. I remember not to compare myself to others, only to myself. I also remember that MY definition of success is the only definition that matters, nobody else’s. My family and my children are very important to me and focusing on them is just as important as focusing on my business.

7) What have you learned about yourself through your business?

I have learned so much about myself in the past 6 months it’s almost impossible to sum it up. I’ve pushed myself outside of my comfort zone so many times and I’ve learned that I actually enjoy that… sometimes. I still have a long way to go but my self-confidence is growing every day. I’ve learned that I am extremely passionate about wanting women to feel empowered and I’ve learned that I want to help and support them in that process. [ctt title=”This business has lead me to find my true passion and purpose, which is supporting and coaching other women.” tweet=”This business has lead me to find my true passion and purpose, which is supporting and coaching other women.” coverup=”tpsPU”]

8) What opportunity would you have not had if not for your direct sales business?

I have met amazing individuals that I never would have met if I had not started my business. And like I said previously, this business has lead me to discover my true passion and purpose. I’m not sure I would have found that if I hadn’t gotten involved in an MLM.

9) How does your business align with your values and the person you are?

For me Rodan + Fields is about the things I am most passionate about: self-care, loving yourself inside and out, and empowerment. Whether I can help a person fine confidence with products that improve their skin or I can support them by sharing the business opportunity and help them start their own journey of personal growth, either way the company and the products both align with my values. I didn’t realize my passion for coaching and inspiring others until I started Rodan + Fields.

10) How can people find you, more information about your products or become part of your company?

They can contact me by email at I would love to share my passion for the products and my love for the business opportunity.



The Choices of the Non-Poor Poor

Poor Money choices people make

Has this ever happened to you?

A co-worker or acquaintance you are friendly with constantly talks about their money problems. Your heart goes out to them. You say to yourself, “I have enough I should really help them.” Maybe you can reach into our wallet and find something extra to get them out of a bind. Give them a little loan to keep them afloat, they have kids after all,” you rationalize.  You think all this until you notice that they are arriving to work in a brand new Lexus while you are diving your beat up Corolla. Hmm…. Matter of fact, while they are relaying their money problems, they are sipping on a $4 fancy pants coffee. Interesting???? Then you start to notice that the shoes they are wearing are not the $50 knock off’s like yours but the $250 real thing, name brand. Really??

Ok, this exact situation has not happened to me but a version of this scenario has popped up in my life more times then I can count. These same people who are telling you they are short on their mortgage payment are also the same individuals that you see eating lunch out everyday while you brown bag it. It is also these people who cry poor that are driving in with their brand new leased Mercedes. Do you see a pattern here? I do.

I use to feel bad for them. I would make a second lunch and bring it in from home. I would sacrifice something for my family to buy them clothing, mistakenly thinking they needed them. I would give them a ride out of my way thinking they had no transportation. Often times the lunch would go uneaten (eating out was much better), the clothing unworn (it was not name brand), and as it turns out they were driving a nicer, newer car them me but couldn’t afford the gas.

Many people, even myself at times, claim they have no money. But in most cases this is far from the truth. We have money but we have just chosen to spend it on one thing over another. We have exchanged our money for something we want in the moment and have forgotten about those things in the future. We have chosen instant gratification of a Starbucks coffee or fancy new car, rather then the cheaper home brew or used model.

We all have choices in life. After several years of seeing this type of person, I am a bit sick of hearing the pity party sob story. When it really comes down to poor financial choices and lack of fiscal responsibility. In truth, for most of us, we have all we need. We are just making bad choices. We need to put our big boy pants on and not buy the thing we want when we want it.

Yes, you heard me we need to tell ourselves a big fat “NO, you can not afford it.” We need to deny ourselves stuff until we actually have the money to pay for it. financiall insanityIf we don’t have the money we should not get the biggest house on the block, or not drive the newest car. When we do this, we are choosing piece of mind. We are choosing to be responsible.

Now I know the Wimpy’s of the world are not going away. (I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today…) But I for one will have a deaf ear to their money complaints. We all make mistakes but those that continue to make the same money mistakes over and over, and expect you, their family or the government to bail them out well…isn’t that the definition of insanity?

If you have encountered this type of situation I would love to hear your story. Please share it with me in the comments below.

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