In between overdoing it

Posts tagged ‘clean food’

Throwing crap away…so refreshing!

cleaning-clip-art-cleanOut with the old and in with the new. Today is clean up day in our house. Today I de-Christmas the house and bring it back to it’s  normal non-holiday appearance. No more bits of wrapping paper and tape on the floor. No more holiday knickknacks, no more red and green. I use to be sad about de-Christmasing but after a full holiday season sometimes it’s good to get back to routine.

This is also the beginning of my year long organization. When I say out with the old I’m not joking. I spent the morning going through my kids rooms and getting ride of old toys they don’t play with, broken bits of things and other miscellaneous junk. I also went through the closets and prepared all there old ill fitting clothing for donation. Now I can fit in the new toys and clothing that they got for Christmas. My house is small so this is a necessity. Plus it is so refreshing to see everything neatly hanging in the closet (at least for one day.)

It not just the kids room that get a good clean up. It’s back to healthy eating as I declutter the pantry of all the cookies, candy and chocolate I have been drawn to snacking on over these past few months. They have slowly eeked there way back into my diet.

Each time I used the excuse, “oh it’s the holidays I can allow myself a little. That little bit became more and more until my eating habits became atrocious and my body felt awful.  New year new you I say. So I’m cleaning up my eating all over again, starting with my pantry. Then I’m heading to the store for some healthy food prep for the week.closet-clutter-monster-1412702

There is a lot more to do to get organized. I plan on following a chapter a month in “One year to an Organized life” by Regina Leeds. I like the pace of the book and think I can actually follow through with it this year. I think today is a good jumping off point. Right now I am motivated and ready to get some clutter out of here.

So needless to say the garbage men will hate me come Monday, but my house, my mind and my body will be renewed, cleaned and refreshed to face the new year.


In Between Moderation

In between overdoing it


_homemade goodies_

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In My Cluttered Attic


baguettes and boarding passes

travelling the world and eating it!