In between overdoing it

Posts tagged ‘dog poop’

A “Crappy” Situation


Here’s the warning on this post. It is not very pretty. In fact it’s kinda crappy…

Dog Crappy

This weekend, my kids wanted to play in our backyard. Actually, my son begged to play baseball in the yard. I shamefully had to tell him no. Not because it was to hot. Not because I was tired. I had not done my duty…(get it dooody??) and picked up after the dogs.

What does this have to do balance and moderation. Well, I’m glad you asked! In trying to balance house cleaning, cooking, working full-time ect..some things have to go. (Get it go….???) One of those things was maintaining the yard.

My son’s request made me feel pressured to add the yard work back into my already overloaded to-do list. Feeling guilty and lazy, like I was depriving my little boy of cherished, childhood memories in his backyard. I wrestled with the thought of fitting yard work in, knowing if I did I would be rushed, resentful and not in a “lets play baseball” kinda mood.

Then I thought back to a podcast I had heard from Chalene Johnson, ( Love her!) where she introduced the idea of outsourcing her laundry. (Laundry is also a reoccurring theme in my life) Like a lightbuld hovering over my head, I thought “Hey, I can do that with the dog poo!”


Outsourcing could be the key to a more happy, balanced and productive life. After a few internet searches for local vendors I found the price was surprisingly affordable running about $10 per week, and about $13 every other week, so I could stay within my budget. (More on this June 1). I think that the time I would win back and being able to use my yard again would make this a great investment.

So begins another experiment in balance and moderation. Hopefully, this will work out and get me out of a pretty “crappy” situation. I’ll let you know. ( Sorry about the 3rd grade bathroom humor, I just couldn’t help myself.)

To hear Chalene’s Podcast go to

In Between Moderation

In between overdoing it


_homemade goodies_

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