In between overdoing it

3 Ways to feel Renewed this SpringSpring is a time of renewal. A time when in many parts of the U.S we can finally open our windows and let the fresh air in. When I think of spring I think of flowers emerging from the ground, lying in green grass, and a general feeling of clean freshness. Living in South Florida, however, I have had to alter my idea of “spring” as the temperature usually climbs to reach the unbearable summer heat. But this doesn’t usually stop the “feeling” of spring and the need for a freshening up of sorts. Here are 3 ways that you can embrace the Spring feeling no matter what area of the country ( or world) you live.

Spring cleaning

I know it is kind of cliché but it really does go along with the whole I idea of freshening up. Don’t get overwhelmed here. It doesn’t have to be a stressed out whole house scrub down. Take on something small like cleaning out a linen closet. There is nothing like the feeling of getting into a bed with freshly laundered comfy sheets. Invest in some really nice ones that will make your bed into a haven of relaxation.

I cleaned out my jewelry box. This lonely little box has spent several years unopened and neglected. After having a babies who tugged and pulled on jewelry I gave up wearing any for years. This little clean out made realize how many of my pieces were tarnished and outdated. Some were broken or missing a match. But in the processes I discovered the impact jewelry had on adding sentiment and feeling to your wardrobe.

Now I am on the look out to add new pieces and have I actually think of adding jewelry to an outfit when I get dressed in the morning. Something I haven’t thought to do in years. The overall effect just made me feel better and more put together. Just the seemingly insignificant cleaning out my jewelry box made me feel like a new person.

Rest and Renew

Sleep we all need more of it but in the hectic work schedule very few of us consider if we are getting adequate rest. If you don’t get enough sleep your mind suffers. It makes you become forgetful, lack patience and can not think clearly. Likewise, your body suffers. Lack of sleep contributes to weight gain, inability to fight off colds and flu, and poor dietary choices. All of this can lead to bigger problems like hypertension, diabetes, and heart problems.

So the question becomes how do I get enough sleep? For one thing (I am totally guilty of this.) Put down the electronics. Scrolling through Facebook or sending out that last email or texts has been shown to keep us up much later then we should be according to this article in U.S. News.

Also keep a pen and paper by your bedside. If you are having anxiety about a full day tomorrow, writing out your feelings and making a plan might be the answer. Getting your anxieties out of your head and on paper just might be the cathartic process needed to quell your feelings of discomfort and clear your mind.

Connect with Nature

After spending a winter indoors make a special effort for at least a few minutes a day to spend sometime outside. We fill our days with “things to do.” We have a running list of activities, chores and errands that keep us busy but disconnected from our surroundings.  Take a moment to appreciate the cycle of the season and notice the world

around you emerging from winter.

Have a quiet moment outside with your cup of coffee. Go for a short walk on your lunch break. Plan a bike ride with your family. Enjoy the stillness of night sitting on your front steps. Whatever you choose to do find a way to connect with your environment.

Maybe for you this comes in the form of prayer, maybe it is meditation. For me walking outside helps me to feel refreshed and renewed. It clears my head and helps me to process my thoughts.

However you celebrate spring take it all as a sign that something new, warmer, and brighter is on the horizon. Happy Spring!


Comments on: "3 Ways to feel Renewed this Spring" (2)

  1. Love your comments on this post. I remember those days of not wearing jewelry when the kids were little. It’s all relative. Being retired, I see to work more than before I retired, but I do get lots of sleep. Maybe that is because I am so tired at night.
    Enjoy those little ones.


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In between overdoing it


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